"I give you a 100 percent guarantee that if a Democratic president had done what George W. Bush did, I would have written the same identical book." Vincent Bugliosi, famed prosecutor and author, is talking about his latest book, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. The book still appears on best seller lists, with sales topping 100,000, but it remains virtually unreported and undiscussed in the major media venues previously hospitable to Bugliosi and his many previous true crime books.
In Part 1 of a recent interview with Bugliosi, he presented the legal architecture necessary for charging Bush, once he leaves office, with the crime of murder for his misdeeds in launching the war in Iraq. Bugliosi constructed the jurisdictional foundation, both state and federal, for bringing Bush to account and laid the bricks of the elements of the crime according to statute and case law. Now, in Part 2, he adds the mortar to this legal edifice with the evidence of overt acts that he has gathered against Bush—evidence that shows, according to Bugliosi, that 4,000 plus American soldiers, not to mention hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, "were put in their graves by George W. Bush because the took this nation to war under false pretenses."